Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Attribute :Public University

Level : 211

Location : Jiangsu Nanjing

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Latest Scholarship Information
  • Scholarship Coverage : Tuition Fee + Accommodation Fee off + 2000RMB/ Month for Master and 3000RMB for PHD

    Available Degree : Master/ PHD

    Starting Date :

    Instruction Language : English majors only

    Requirements : 75% GPA or above

    Application Deadline : Contact your consultant

    Application Documents

    Scholarship details >here<


School Introduction
Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NJUST), founded in 1953, is one of the key universities in China under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It was listed in the first group of universities chosen to be part of China’s “211 Project”, which is designed to develop a hundred first-rate universities in the 21st century. The university has over sixty years experience in providing inspiring and broadened-horizon education. It has become a multi-disciplinary university comprising academic fields including: science, engineering, liberal arts, economics, business, management, law and education. In addition, NJUST encompasses a wide array of centers, institutes, programs, and administrative support offices. Learn More >>